
By Tate Gunnerson, American Heart Association 沙巴足球体育平台

心脏骤停和扩张型心肌病幸存者LaNysha Adams和她的家人. 左起:丈夫大卫·福斯,儿子戴维森和多诺万,以及兰莎. (Photo courtesy of LaNysha Adams)
心脏骤停和扩张型心肌病幸存者LaNysha Adams和她的家人. 左起:丈夫大卫·福斯,儿子戴维森和多诺万,以及兰莎. (Photo courtesy of LaNysha Adams)

LaNysha Adams of Silver Spring, 马里兰, was lying on the sofa watching TV when her husband, 大卫自由/开源软件, went out to pick up a pizza for dinner.

When he returned not 15 minutes later, she was in a daze. Her eyes were bloodshot, and she was drooling. Their 3-year-old son, Davidson, was in the crib next to her.

Foss couldn't rouse her, so he called 911. Then he eased her onto the floor and began 心肺复苏. 他在工作中每隔一年接受一次培训,掌握了这项技能, 但直到2022年1月的那个晚上,他才在真人身上表演过.

As Foss delivered the chest compressions, his mind raced. 他觉得自己好像是和另一个人站在自己的位置上看着这一幕上演. He feared what losing her would mean to him, Davidson and their 1-year-old son, 多诺万, as well as everyone else who loved her.

Eight minutes after Foss called 911, first responders arrived. Davidson sobbed as the paramedics continued performing 心肺复苏. 他们把亚当斯送到医院后,福斯留在家里和孩子们在一起. He continued to obsess over whether she'd live or die – and, 如果她还活着, whether she'd have brain damage.

Six days later, Adams woke up in the intensive care unit. She had no idea what had happened or why she was there. She was afraid, angry and confused. It seemed as if she was in "The Twilight Zone." The machine monitoring her vitals began beeping more quickly.

Adams was told she'd gone into cardiac arrest. She wasn't sure exactly what that meant or why it had happened. She was 37 with no family history of heart disease. 然而,在生下多诺万后,她被诊断出患有产后先兆子痫. 这种情况会导致许多问题,包括高血压. 研究显示 preeclampsia may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

她最近还感染了COVID-19,并持续数周检测呈阳性. 研究表明 COVID-19感染可能会增加心血管沙巴体育平台点击进入的风险.

亚当斯感到呼吸急促,腿部肿胀,心跳不规则. To improve circulation and reduce the swelling, her medical team encouraged her to get up and start walking.

当亚当斯第一次试图从病床上爬起来时,她倒在了地上. Soon she was using a walker to get to the bathroom and back. Ten days later, she was released from the hospital.

亚当斯住院期间,福斯的父母搬进来帮助福斯照顾孩子们. To make space, they moved her clothes into the attic. They forgot to move them back before she came home, so while she knew they were just trying to get organized, "I felt like I had died and wasn't supposed to be there,她说. "Nobody expected me to come home."

大约一个月后,医生确定亚当斯患有扩张型心肌病. 这种情况会导致心脏伸展和变薄,扩大受影响的区域. As a result, the heart can't pump blood as well. 扩张型心肌病可引起心力衰竭,导致一系列症状. She received an implantable cardioverter defibrillator, 或ICD, 这个装置可以监测她的心律,必要时可以将其电击回正常心律.

Eager to get back to normal, she attended cardiac rehab. 它的设计不仅是为了帮助人们恢复身体,也为了帮助人们恢复精神, said Jeanmarie Gallagher, a clinical exercise physiologist who worked with Adams.

“我从病人那里得到的最一致的反馈是,这有助于他们的内心平静,加拉格尔说. “他们可以锻炼和活跃,而不用担心进一步的并发症."

事实上,在完成11个疗程后,亚当斯继续自己锻炼. She bought an exercise bike and joined a riding group. She has also cut down on red meat, alcohol and salt. She plans to run a 5K this spring.

"I want to be as heart-healthy as possible,她说.

LaNysha Adams(左)和大卫自由/开源软件在2014年的婚礼上. (Photo courtesy of LaNysha Adams)
LaNysha Adams(左)和大卫自由/开源软件在2014年的婚礼上. (Photo courtesy of LaNysha Adams)

That includes avoiding stress. 而不是像过去那样对消极的情况做出反应, she now counts to 10 – and focuses on her blessings. 例如, the driver of an airport cart said she appeared too fit and healthy to need a ride; instead of protesting, 她一笑置之.

"I'm less reactionary and more grounded,她说. "I feel like a different person."

亚当斯拥有应用语言学博士学位,在健康问题出现之前,她正在写一本励志书. 当她恢复健康后,她回到了这个项目中,对她的信息有了更深的理解.

"Even if you don't have control, 你可以采取行动,做一些重要的事情,帮助别人,她说. The book was published last year.

为此,她还开设了一个关于心脏病患者生活的博客. 她想要传播这样一个信息:心脏病可能发生在任何人身上, no matter their age or appearance.

"The more educated people are, 他们就越有可能为自己辩护并帮助他人,她说. "I want to make an impact."

发自内心的故事 记录心脏病和中风幸存者、护理人员和倡导者的鼓舞人心的旅程.

American Heart Association 沙巴足球体育平台 Stories

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